Saturday, September 24, 2011

Home Remedies for ECZEMA [088 of 140]


Eczema also called as dermatitis, is a group of skin disorders. Atopic eczema, allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis, infantile seborrhoeic eczema, adult seborrhoeic eczema, varicose eczema and discoid eczema are different types of eczema. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. It mainly occurs among infants and small children. In more than 90% of cases, eczema is found to occur in children below 5 years of age. It is a non contagious disease.

Eczema is a skin condition characterized by redness, cracking, oozing and scaling of the skin. This may be caused by the extremes of heat and cold and even emotional stress. The patient usually complains of itching and burning in the skin, especially at the night. Sores appear on various parts of the body, but most often on the hands, feet, ears and legs. Eczema may come on at any time of life and in either sex. The commoner manifestations are erythema changing to papule, vesicle, crust, scale and fissure, with serous exudation. In chronic cases, thick scales accumulate.

This is the effect of local irritation by chemical, thermal, or mechanical agents in a hypersensitive individual, subject of an allergy or constitutional disabilities such as gout, chronic nephritis, rheumatism, local sepsis, dyspepsia, alcoholism, uterine disturbances also teething .in some cases heredity may be found.

Papules, vesicles and pustules with some degree of local oedema are found; exudation, crusting and scaling with inflammation of varying severity may be present. These tend to spread to the contiguous areas.

One or both cheeks of an infant or the ear, limbs or trunk are occasionally involved. In adults also similar papulo- vesicular eruptions appear. Sensations of burning, smarting, throbbing or itching are present, according to the acuteness of the process and severity of the inflammation.

When chronic the discharge diminishes or disappears, leaving a thickened, irregular, scaly patch, fading at the margins. The best way to take care of eczema at home is to keep dry, patchy skin moist and well lubricated. Children with eczema are most often allergic to eggs, milk, peanuts, wheat, soy, fish and tree nuts, although a child is usually allergic to only one or two of those foods.

Eczema Symptoms

Following are the symptoms of eczema. Itching, Redness on skin, Dry and flaky skin, Itchy blisters, Inflammation on skin, Small bumps on forehead, neck and cheek, Rough and thickened skin. Symptoms of eczema are more severe on the folds.


Eczema is considered to be hereditary. Studies reveal that a person is prone to eczema if his family has a history of closely linked conditions like hay fever and asthma.

Causes of aggarvation

Eczema could be aggravated by irritants like smoke, chemicals, detergents, solvents and so on. Even weather conditions could aggravate the condition. Excessive stress, heat and emotional stress also aggravates the symptoms of eczema.

Other Causes

Cause of eczema depends upon the type of eczema the person is suffering from. Sometimes blood circulation problem in the leg can also cause eczema. Deficiency of vitamin B6 causes eczema.


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