Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Home Remedies for EAR INFECTIONS [078 of 140]

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Ear Infections

It is very important to pay attention to ear infection in early stage. You can have inner ear infection or middle ear infection or outer ear infection with different symptoms.

Inflamed Ear

Dose: Once the mixture has cooled off, put 4 drops into the inflamed ear every hour and gently plug it up with cotton. Be sure the drops are not too hot.

WARNING : If your ear infection is painful and persistent, get medical attention. You may have a serious condition that needs professional treatment.

Runny Ear Infection : - You'll need to go to a good, old-fashioned Italian fish store for this remedy. Get the soft, transparent bone from a squid. Bake it until it turns black and crush it into a powder. Taken orally-½ teaspoon before breakfast and another ½ teaspoon before dinner-it is said to help clear up a runny ear infection.

Swimmer's Ear home remedies: - Soon after swimming, if you've noticed that it hurts when you touch or move your ear, you may have an infection of the ear canal known as "swimmer's ear." These remedies may bring some relief.


Use drops of warm mineral oil to help loosen wax. Wash the wax out with an ear syringe and warm water. You can use garlic oil also. (Do not do this if you have you suspect a rupture eardrum or ear infection or there is a discharge from the ear.)

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Dear Friends : The emails are schedule to be posted in the blog and will sent to the group on various dates and time fixed. Instead of sending it on one day it is spread on various dates.

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