Thursday, July 7, 2011

Home Remedies for INFERTILITY MEN / WOMEN [035 of 140]

Female infertility symptoms

1.Any current medical illness.
2.Medical history (mumps, sexually transmitted diseases).
3.Surgical history (operations on testes, inguinal hernia repair).
4.Occupation (exposure to excessive heat, toxins).
5.Drugs (chemotherapy).
6.Smoking, alcohol indigestion.
7.Erectile or ejaculatory difficulties.

1.Gynaecological conditions-ovulation failure-oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhoea, tubal damage, cervical mucous defects, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc
2.Coital infrequency and poor timing.
3.Menstrual irregularities.
4.Pelvic infection(current or past).
5.Current medical illness like Tuberculosis.
6.Smoking, alcohol indigestion.
Female infertility due to physical disability

Other causes of female infertility

Female infertility treatment using Banyan Roots

Female sterility treatment using Jambul Leaves

Female infertility treatment using Winter Cherry

Female sterility treatment using Nutrients

Seeds, nuts, curd and cottage cheese.

Food to be avoided

Warm-water enema

Mud packs and cold-water treatments



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Dear Friends : The emails are schedule to be posted in the blog and will sent to the group on various dates and time fixed. Instead of sending it on one day it is spread on various dates. Regards.

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