Friday, July 22, 2011

Home Remedies for BURNS [050 of 140]

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Burns are serious, not only because of pain in the area of the burn itself, but also because of possible chemical changes in other parts of the body. Burns are among the most common household emergencies. Hot liquids, stoves, radiators, unguarded electric outlets, firecrackers, chemicals, irons, gasfires, and sunburn often burn young children. The greatest danger arises from the shock, which follows a deep burn involving a large area of the body.

The symptoms of a first-degree burn are pain, heat, redness and tender to the touch in the skin affected. These symptoms can appear from 1 to 24 hours after exposure to the sun.

The symptoms of a second-degree burn are extreme reddening, swelling; pain and even blisters can appear. The burn reaches the deeper layers of the skin where it damages the small blood vessels and elastic fibers in the skin, and later there is wrinkling of the skin. In most severe cases, chills, fever, nausea, and/or delirium may accompany the burn.

In severe burns the loss of body fluids can be very serious, particularly in a young child. The kidneys and adrenal glands may not function well, and other internal organs may be more affected. Even a small burn may produce a serious deformity if it occurs over a large joint, such as the knee. Deep burns often result in the formation of considerable scar tissue.

Severe burns involve the deeper layers of the skin and usually cause large blisters. Burns are always more serious when face, hands, feet or genital organs are involved.

Chemical burns are often serious, and may result in deep scars. Steam and dry heat burns should be treated as ant other severe burn.

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