Monday, June 6, 2011

Improve Self Confidence

Friends Here are some quick tips to improve your Self Confidence.  If we are committed to have a healthy self confidence there are many things you can do every day to boost your self confidence, each small steps that will help you to reach your goal. Try some of the steps below to boost your confidence and self-esteem.
Identify your successes.
 Everyone is good at something, so discover the things at which you excel, then focus on your talents. Give yourself permission to take pride in them. Give yourself credit for your successes. Inferiority is a state of mind in which you've declared yourself a victim. Do not allow yourself to be victimized.
                                                        Look in the mirror and smile.
You heard correctly, Studies surrounding what's called the "facial feedback theory" suggest that the expressions on your face can actually encourage your brain to register certain emotions. So by looking in the mirror and smiling every day, you might feel happier with yourself and more confident in the long run.
self confidence
Exercise and eat healthy.
Exercise raises adrenaline and makes one feel happier and healthier. It is certainly an easy and effective way to boost your self-confidence.

                                            Turn feelings of envy or jealousy into a desire to achieve.
Stop wanting what others have just because they have it; seek things simply because you want them, whether anybody else has them or not.

  1. When you're feeling superbly insecure, write down a list of things that are good about you. Then read the list back. You'd be surprised at what you can come up with.

  1. Don't be afraid to push yourself a bit - a little bit of pressure can actually show just how good you are!

  1. You can try taking a martial arts or fitness class/course (or both). This will help build confidence and strength.

  1. Invest in some new clothing and donate some of your old clothing to send a message to yourself that you both look sharp and feel sharp.

  1. Try to make yourself talk positively at all times. When you hear yourself saying you can't do something, stop and say you can. Unless you try, you will never know whether you are able to or not.

  1.  Don't get wrapped up in your mistakes and dwell on bad points; they can contrast your good points or even give you something to improve. There's no feeling like being good at something you were really bad at.

  1.  Don't confuse what you have with who you are. People degrade their self worth when comparing possessions.

  1.  Surround yourself with nurturing friends, not overly critical individuals who make you feel inadequate or insecure. This could do great harm and damage to your self confidence.

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